Claudia Fährenkemper
Planktos Series |
In ihrer Ausstellung "Formen des Lebens" im Ernst-Haeckel-Haus in Jena präsentiert Claudia Fährenkemper Schwarzweißfotografien aus allen ihren mikrofotografischen Serien und ist dabei besonders an Bezügen zum Werk Haeckels interessiert. In der Auseinandersetzung mit Haeckels Darstellungen mariner Lebensformen in seinen "Kunstformen der Natur" entwickelte sie ihre neue Serie über Plankton. |
Im Gegensatz zur Jugendstilornamentik in Haeckels Darstellungen von Naturformen setzt Claudia Fährenkemper auf Klarheit und reduzierte Strenge bei der Darstellung ausgewählter Lebensformen und versucht mit Hilfe des unsere heutige Bilderwelt prägenden Rasterelektronenmikroskops eine modellhafte Anschauung von der Vielfalt des Lebens zu geben. |
Diatomee 41-05-01 |
Diatomee 42-05-05 |
Foraminifere 23-05-10 |
Foraminifere 25-05-01 |
Foraminifere 25-05-05 |
Foraminifere 26-05-02 |
Foraminifere 47-05-02 |
Foraminifere 48-05-01 |
Radiolarie 40-05-07 |
Radiolarie 37-05-10 |
Radiolarie 40-05-06 |
Radiolarie 44-05-7 |
Radiolarie 45-05-8 |
Radiolarie 46-05-5 |
Radiolarie 47-05-1 |
Radiolarie 48-05-2 |
Radiolarie 48-05-3 |
Radiolarie 48-05-4 |
Radiolarie 48-05-8 |
Radiolarie 48-05-9 |
Radiolarie 49-05-2 |
Radiolarie 49-05-5 |
Radiolarie 49-05-6 |
(…)„ Separated from their underwater environment and made larger than life through extensive magnification, Fährenkemper’s photographs of plankton are, at the same time, both familiar and strange. in their symmetry and form, they seem to have emerged from the hand of an artist, but in truth they are produced in the mind of an artist, who creates and renders her larger-than-life microscopic organisms through selective focus and visual analysis. Her razor-sharp black-and-white images suggest a perfection of form that is as seductive as multifaceted gems and as elegant Gothic architecture with its ribbed vaults and filigreed columns. Through the artist’s inversion of scale, the structural bones of some of these microscopic organisms seem as sturdy as steel girders, while others are as sensuous as ripe fruit.
Fährenkemper’s process is complex and difficult; a merging of art and science as she removes, isolates, backgrounds, and reconstructs her microcosms of species into images. Her transformations are breathtaking in their seamless fusion of order and beauty - sience and art - which she sees in the natural world.“ |
© Claudia Fährenkemper |